If r - l ≤ 4 we can all subsets of size not greater than k. Else, if k = 1, obviously that answer is l. If k = 2, answer is 1, because xor of numbers 2x and 2x + 1 equls 1. If k ≥ 4 answer is 0 because xor of to pairs with xor 1 is 0.
If k = 3, we can choose numbers 2x and 2x + 1 with xor 1. So we need to know, if we can get xor equals 0. Suppose that there are 3 such numbers x, y and z (r ≥ x > y > z ≥ l) with xor equals 0. Consider the most non-zero bit of numberx. At the same bit of y it's also 1, because xor equls 0, and y > z. Consider the next bit of numbers. If z have 0 there, we have to do next: set the previous bit of numbers x and y equals 0, and set current bit equals 1. Obviously xor still equals 0, z hadn't changed and numbers x and y stood closer to z, so they are still at [l, r].And x > y.Consider the next bit of numbers. If z has zero here than we will change most bits of x и y at the same way and so on. z > 0, so somewhen we will get to bit in which z has 1. Since xorequals 0, the same bit of x would be 1 because x > y, and y would have 0 there. At the next bits we will change bit in x to 0, and in numbers y and z to 1.Finally z would be greater or equal than before, and x would be less or greater than before, and x > y > z would be correct. So, we have the next: if such numbers x, y and z exist than also exist numbers:
with xor equals 0. There are not much such triples, so we can check them.
#include#include #include #include using namespace std;typedef long long int LL;LL L,R,K;LL ans=0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f;int main(){ cin>>L>>R>>K; if(R-L+1<=4) { LL m=R-L+1; LL sig=0; for(LL i=1;i<(1LL< K) continue; for(LL j=0;j =L) { flag=true; cout<<0< <<3<